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Automatic glass cutting machine



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Comprehensive analysis of automatic glass cutting machine cold working process is like?

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Comprehensive analysis of automatic glass cutting machine cold working process is like?

Release date:2018-09-14 Author:晶菱玻璃機械 Click:

    Fully automatic glass cutter is mainly painted with paint when it works in cold condition. At room temperature, the glass surface is painted with pictures. Some of them are fixed and heated, while others are not. The process can also be coupled with alloy. Silver is called gold painted molten metal pigment. Glaze is a technology that requires color temperature on the glass surface to produce image glaze pigments, which are then placed in a furnace to heat fixed pigments to avoid peeling.

    The technology combination of several thousand pieces of glass vegetable board with grooved lead frame needs to draw a small plan. According to the plan, the sketch is made. For example, the size of each color is determined to determine the shape and scale. Fine cut glass, and the lead block is welded into a mirror. The prints are not heated or cooled. They are engraved on glass by sandblasting and grinding technology. The prints are printed in colorful patterns on paper towels or on watercolor paper pressed on board or drum machine.



    Fully automatic glass cutting machine has formed two or more layers of relief function under the background of glass nested color and three-dimensional relief image penetration. Cutting with cutting grinding wheel, cutting decoration, block surface, glass and other decorations, or large surface WEDM shape, color, sometimes nested glass, by different colors and the special effect inside the embodiment. Planning techniques for diamond grinding or metal sculpture, sculpture or pen carving and painting decoration images on glass surfaces can be divided into circular carving, dotting, and other types of lithography.

    Fully automatic glass cutting machine etching graphics, in the glass outline lines, and then chemical etching acid screening form of different colors; Adhesive tape to the top of the list of all work sandblasting glass, to remove unnecessary image of knife plating, in the glass cutting machine, using high jet force, so that the role of glass fog on the glass. Automatic cutting machine. The grinding table of the grinding wheel of the automatic glass cutting machine rotates, mixes water and diamond, and polishes and planes glass. The rolling channel of the shaving wheel acts as the glass on it, polishing and polishing large pieces of plane, the glue will work into the furnace to heat, the characteristics of the glass used to heat the surface brightness of melting, the shape of the glass block will be bonded by the adhesive, and the mixing medium will be created by the material group such as glass.

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