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Automatic glass cutting machine



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What are the precautions for automatic glass cutting machine?

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What are the precautions for automatic glass cutting machine?

Release date:2018-06-19 Author:晶菱玻璃機(jī)械 Click:

   With the development of society, the market of automatic glass cutting machine is also very popular. If we want to buy automatic glass cutting machine, we need to understand it. But what should we pay attention to when we use the automatic glass cutting machine? The crystal diamond glass machine manufacturer will introduce it to you. Automatic glass cutting machine has good cutting effect and high efficiency, but it also needs to pay attention to some matters in use. Next, Xiaobian is going to give you a detailed explanation of the following points for attention.



    Firstly, no parallel cables and control cards connected to the computer can be plugged and unplugged. The shell of the automatic glass cutting machine should be grounded to ensure safety. When the machine is not working, turn off the power in time.

   Secondly, turn on the power supply, return to zero operation, and then check whether the functions of the automatic glass cutting machine are normal. When you load a picture, you should first understand the range of cutting to ensure that the loaded graph is within its scope.

    Finally, before the glass cutter is running, it is necessary to check whether there are white spots and scratches in the glass appearance. When cutting, it is necessary to ensure that there is no one beside the machine. After cutting, it is necessary to clean the table in time. When we know the precautions of using automatic glass cutting machine, we can use it well.

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