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How can the middle and low end enterprises in the glass machinery industry seek breakthroughs?

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How can the middle and low end enterprises in the glass machinery industry seek breakthroughs?

Release date:2018-06-13 Author:晶菱玻璃機(jī)械 Click:

      With the rapid development of domestic glass machinery industry, the demand for matching loss parts of glass machinery has been driven to a considerable extent in recent years. The rapid development of the automotive industry has made the glass machinery industry more vigorous. Domestic market of medium-grade and low-grade NC glass machinery matching loss parts is basically occupied by domestic products, and the market competition of medium-grade and high-grade NC glass machinery matching loss parts products is becoming more and more fierce.



    Glass machinery matching wear-and-tear parts products are always artificially labeled. The quality of imported products is better than that of domestic products. Imported products should be more expensive than that of domestic products. The reason for this difference is related to the quality of products. Domestic CNC glass machine matching wear parts can basically satisfy the matching demand of medium-grade glass edge grinding machine, but there is still a big gap between some high-end horizontal glass edge grinding machine matching wear parts and foreign countries. The first big gap lies in the lack of all matching production capacity and enterprise's own skills transformation ability. Because of the sharp increase in market orders, the intensity of new product development has been affected. Most professional enterprises should pay more attention to the research and development of skill reserve products and deal with the opposition between order products and new product development when ensuring a lot of market orders. We must protect the current market and pay attention to the rapid development of future market competitiveness.

    With the rapid development of the national economy, the revitalization of supporting processing industry, the upgrading of skills in all processing industries and the increasing demand for modernization of national defense, driven by the rapid growth of fixed property investment, the market of matching wear-and-tear parts of glass machinery in our country presents a situation of two flourishing production and demand. In recent years, the competition in low-end and middle-end areas of glass machinery industry is fierce. Through the rapid development of high-end areas, enterprises seek breakthroughs, promote resource links, and improve the core competitiveness of enterprises from technology, brand and other aspects. The author believes that in order to accelerate the pace of internationalization of enterprises, relying on brand value and skills, through technical cooperation, research and development of some new equipment, complete complementary advantages. The analysis shows that our country's glass machinery industry is facing a big but not strong situation. Our country's glass processing industry ranks the first in the world in output. At the same time, the production capacity is excessive, the foundation is weak, and the product quality level is very low.

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